Monday, June 11, 2012

Light Final Project

 This project is called "beautiful light." We were supposed to photograph things with lighting that we consider beautiful. I like how my film turned out for this project. Many of the photos are exactly the way I thought they would be.

 This is my cat again. I like the path made by the light behind her and the shadow her head makes on the carpet. I also like the soft quality of the carpet and the texture of her fur.

 I love the gray values in this photo. I took this because I really liked one like it that I printed in the previous project, and I wanted to see if I could get a better one. I think I accomplished that goal because this photo has a lot of depth.

In this photo I really like the way that light reflects off of the pages and the written word, making is seem like the words are coming out of nothing.

1 comment:

  1. The photograph of the book is marvellous.

    Reminds me of the poem "The house was quiet and the world was calm" by Wallace Stevens.
