Friday, January 21, 2011

Ignored by the Kitteh

I waved at my cat to get her to look at me, but she wouldn't look, so I ended up taking a picture of trying to get her attention. It's a prime example of cats thinking they rule everything. She is obviously too important to acknowledge my existence. It kind of looks like I'm going to kidnap her...

Kitteh Playing

The kitteh has returned. This time, she was trying to hit a toy that my mom was waving in front of her face as I took the picture. I like how the blur on her paw kind of makes it look like she's moving really fast.

Flipping pages

I think book pages look really cool while they're flipping, so I took a picture of moving pages. I love reading, hence the soul needs books blog, so I really wanted to have a picture of my favorite hobby.

Blur Project contact sheet

Here is the contact sheet for the blur project. I had a little trouble with my pictures being too dark, but I had enough turn out that I could print three. I wish the drawing with light ones had been better, but I like the other ones too.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Beagle #2

I took this picture because the dog looked so much like a person. When looking at it, you really ecpect to see a human sitting in the chair, but instead it's a beagle. Surprise!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Beagle #1

This is one of my grandma's beagles. My favorite part of this photo is the shine is her eye and on her collar.

Yet another kitteh

This is my cat... again. I love taking pictures of my cats. I especially like the contrast of this one; the white and black of her fur, the shadows inside her little house, and the grey of the carpeting.

Winter Break contact sheet

This is an extra credit project. I took pictures of the places I went and the animals I saw during winter break,  especially the animals. As you can probably tell by now, animals are my favorite subject to photograph; it just seems to me that more of them turn out when I develop the film. I also like how their eyes look. I usually try to get the dog/cat to look at me.


These are two poinsettia plants that were in my house at Christmas time. They were so pretty that I decided to overlap them and get twice as many flowers in one picture. I like how the leaves aren't as solid as the flowers and more of them are visible.

Me + Cat

This one is a double exposure of me and one of my cats in my hair. It's the striped cat that I had pictures of first. I think this turned out really cool because you can see her whiskers coming out of my hair.

Me x2... sort of....

This is a double exposure of me reaching out to myself. It turned out really nice and I'm glad I printed this one. Even though it's not exactly how I envisioned it, it's still a good picture.

Double Exposure contact sheet

This is my contact sheet for our double exposure project. I think some of these turned out really cool, even though I didn't really know what I was doing. The main problem I have with it is that I wish the secong key/door picture had turned out better.