Friday, December 17, 2010

Music stand

I am also a violinist, so this is the stand I use when I practice for orchestra. I like the shadows on my arms because of the contrast they create with my arms. I almost didn't take this picture, but I decided that since choir doesn't use stands usually, I should take this for violin.

Practicing Music

This is my practicing music for choir. I don't actually play piano, so it sometimes takes me a while to figure out the notes. I took this picture because it's me practicing something that is important to how I see myself. I wouldn't be the same if I couldn't sing.

My other kitteh

This is my other cat. It was really hard to get her to stay in one place long enough for this picture, but I got her when she was sleeping on the stairs. She looked up to see what I was doing and I got this picture.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

My Kitteh... Again

This is my kitteh, looking for a treat I hid between the rails. I'd been trying to get my other cat to come eat the treats, but gave up and let this one have them. This is maybe a little darker than I would have liked, but she is still, clearly, a cat.

Dragon Puppets

These are my Folkmanis dragon puppets. The larger one is about a foot and a half tall and is a very good pillow on long car rides. I like that the eye of the larger dragon is looking at us.

Rule of Thirds and Symmetry contact sheet

I tried really hard to get pictures of my other cat for this project, but she was very resistant. However, I got a few anyway. There are also a few of some dragon hand puppets I have, from Folkmanis Puppets. The first one is a failed picture of a water fountain because I didn't take enough blank pictures to get that out of the exposed area. There is also a pile of some of my favorite books and an American Girl doll.


My favorite part of this picture is the rings. I love how shiny they are against all the shadows under the table. Also, I like the contrast between my pale skin and the dark shirt and hair. I normally wouldn't post a picture of myself, but even people who know me in person didn't recognize that this is me.

Light Project - My Kitteh

This is.... MY KITTEH. Well, one of them, anyway. I'm super happy this one turned out so well, because this cat usually has her face all scrunched up. I love this picture, and I hope I can got one like it of my other cat, too!

Light Project - Mask and Gloves

These are some plaster castings of my face and hands that I made this summer. How did I get the hands off, you ask? They are only the back of my hands, so I could just take them off the top. I thought they would cast cool shadows, and while it isn't quite like I thought it would be, I still like it.