This is the ceiling in the tech wing. I thought that the way the pipes weaves together was interesting to look at, so I took this picture. I wish it had more black and different shades of grey though.
This is a little shed outside of the school. I liked the way the wood was peeling on the doorway. The roof was also interesting; unfortunately, it had moss growing on it, so it didn't fit the architecture topic.
I don't like this one very much because of its lack of grey values. It only really has three shades: white, black, and uniform grey. I like the curve of the wall connecting to the ceiling, but it isn't very interesting to look at.
I really like all the shapes in this photo. It's pillars supporting the roof over the sidewalks, and this is a point where overlapping sections of roof are all held up at the same spot. I also think that it has good coloring.